Help Abandoned Roof Project

arms of an angel song plays with black background

black and white pics of damaged roofs start fading in and out all over the screen VERY SLOWLY

During all of this Reece fades in sitting on a roof with chalked cirlces around him. he is lip signing the song with a blond wig on. He then fades out

as last picture fades out CHARLIE fades in wearing a sweater. we see from the chest up. (will need the green screen) music fades to low as charlie fades in.

CHARLIE - “every year thousands of roofs go unnoticed. Help us in making sure no roof is left un loved. With only one phone call you can make a difference. Help us bring life back to those poor neglected roofs. Call us today as 903-357-5621.”

Charlie fades out to

the pre recorded Ad card with details.

screen change to

REECE laying on the same roof. this time with cry tissues around him. He is petting the roof while saying “ Its okay, You will be repaired one day” in the arms of an angel song playing again in the back ground.

Cut to sign out image and music.

Ideas & Scripts

Final Roughs

these videos are not ready for release or sharing. click the video click full screen and turn phone sideways with volume maxed out


may 20th - July 20th

Storm Season june - august

Wounded Roofs Project

The Adjuster